T H A N K      Y O U 



Be grateful for every sunset and thankful for every sunrise because everyday is a blessing.
72   Ways  To  Say  Thank  You

Thanks a bunch
Thanks a million
Thank you friend
Thank you kindly
Thanks in  advance
Thank you  so much
Thank you for all the help
Thank you for your support
Thanks for  having my back
Thank  you  for all that you do
Thank  you for  thinking of me
Thank  you for your time today
Thank  you for taking the  time
Thank  you for being so incredible
Thank  you to my wonderful friend
Thank  you for taking the trouble to help me
You're the best friend I could ever have
Your kind words  warmed my heart
You have my deepest gratitude
You have my deepest thanks
You saved my day
You saved my life
You are the best
You're an angel
You're too kind
You're a dear
Much obliged
With deep respect
With sincere thanks
With sincere gratitude
With true appreciation
With gracious thoughts
That's very  kind of you
It meant a lot to me
Thank you for taking the trouble to help me
Thank you for  such a wonderful contribution

  I appreciate it
I owe you one

I'm so grateful
I'm in your debt
I appreciate you
I'm really grateful
I'm grateful to you
I am very thankful
I owe you big time
I really appreciate it
I'm eternally grateful
I appreciate your help
I appreciate all you do
I can't thank you enough
I am grateful for your help
I really appreciate your help
I greatly appreciate your help
I appreciate your help so much
I'm grateful for your assistance
I do not know how to thank you
I value the help you've given me
I am so thankful for what you did
I am so very grateful for your time
I couldn't have done it without you
I wanted to thank you for your help
I don't have the words to thank you
I wanted to take the time to thank you
I'll never forget your support and kindness
I do not know what I would do without you
I appreciate it more then you will ever know
Please accept my deepest gratitude
My gratitude knows no bounds
A million thanks to you
I am more grateful to you than you'll ever know
Words can't express how much you mean to me
Thank you for always being my greatest supporter


As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.