Happy shopping  

Yesterday I went window shopping and bought two windows.  Whoever said that money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping.  If shopping doesn't make you happy, then you're in the wrong shop !  A man doesn’t know what he knows until he knows what he doesn’t know.  Women go shopping to buy what they want; men go shopping they call it  "research".  Women are wiser than men because they know less and understand more.  If someone else is paying for it, food just tastes a lot better.  

Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now. 
Don't give up on something you really want.  It's difficult to wait, but worse to regret.  There is no wrong time to do the right thing.  Don't regret the chances you didn't take.  Do it now or regret it later.

We cannot be happy every day, but happy things happen every day.  A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist.  Shopping is always a good idea.  It is cheaper than therapy or a psychiatrist and the best medicine to relieve some stress.  The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.  Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there. 
Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get.

Man has his will; woman has her way.  A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.  A successful woman is one who can find such a man.  A woman went shopping.  At the cash counter, she opened her purse to pay.  The cashier noticed a TV remote in her purse.  He couldn't control his curiosity and asked, "Do you always carry your TV remote with you?"  She replied, "No, not always, but my husband refused to accompany me for shopping today.  The shopkeeper laughs and takes back all the items the lady had purchased.  Shocked at this act, she asks the shopkeeper what he is doing.  He said your husband has blocked your credit card...

Happiness is not in money, but in shopping.  Keep calm and go shopping till you drop.  Window shopping saves money but won't help the economy.